Many of us lead busy lives. We juggle to maintain a career, keep our property and house in good order, look after our children, look after our parents and before we realize it, there is no “Me Time” left over to give to ourselves.
At Caring With Kindness we are here to give you that much-needed leisure time to enjoy with yourself, your partner, your children or your friends. Our non-medical services are structured to do just that.
As people age, they tend to become more isolated from society and need social stimulation to keep them active in mind and in body. They have good years still left in them for a variety of purposes and are still very independent, but the concern is they need a bit of care and kindness to help them flourish and make the best of the years left in them.
Being fiercely independent, they are still wanting to stay in their own home and not move to an assisted care facility.
Unfortunately many of these seniors do not have family close by to help them and if they do, the family members may be too busy with raising their own families or overwhelmed with their own personal problems to help on a consistent basis. This has a dramatic impact on the senior when they lose physical communication with their loved ones and gradually isolate themselves from society.
Paying attention to what is transpiring with the “Baby Boomers” that are now in their late 70’s and older, many are capable of staying in their own homes, which they prefer. Quite a few seniors are also financially solvent and are able to afford quality non medical home care to have chores and errands done for them. By alleviating the day to day chores, they have leisure time to pursue hobbies that stimulate them such as going out to social events, being involved in volunteer work or when at home, enjoy gardening, cooking, watching TV, reading a good book or doing a puzzle, entertaining or whatever catches their fancy.
By offering a variety of non medical services to help individuals of all ages who are challenged with a disability and live independently, enriches their lives and is more enjoyable with the freedom they derive.
While the services and errands are being performed that they are encouraged to share in, they also have company which is a very important part of one’s overall well-being to engage in social interaction. Finding one company that solely focuses on these services are far and few on Vancouver Island.
Hence, Caring With Kindness was Incorporated to serve clients for all their non medical chores and errands in Nanaimo and the surrounding areas.
We will soon be expanding to other locations throughout Vancouver Island, so stay tuned as we evolve to the town or city you reside in.